"The purpose of this meditation is to dream into reality a new way of being, for ourselves and humanity.
If we want to change our current reality to a more loving, unified, purposeful and joyful existence, then we first need to see and feel this frequency in ourselves.We override the old way of being and replace it with a new way, that is in alignment for how we wish to see the world. When we do this often enough, we will begin to see an outer reality, that reflects our inner landscape.
It is time now for us to envision a beautiful new earth. One that we imagine living on; one we vividly experience in our hearts and souls. When our families, loved ones and enough people can visualise and feel this, this is what is going to change things profoundly."
Kindly given to Humanity and graciously received is the above beautiful, uplifting and inspiring audio meditation for you to listen to now.
Let us TOGETHER create the New Earth. Thank you Josephine for your guided and gifted meditation.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings